ÖH Uni Graz
As all other students, you are represented by the Austrian Students’ Association (Österreichische Hochschüler_innnenschaft (ÖH)) which is a democratically elected organisation that you have the right to vote for and even be part of. Other than your Studienvertretung, you also vote for university representatives (Universitätsvertretung) and federal representatives (Bundesvertretung), the last of whom bring up student views to the federal government.
The ÖH Uni Graz is structured following:
ÖH Uni Graz is the representation for students at the University of Graz and offers help (social, financial, sport,…) for students: Office of Social Aspects (SozRef), Office of International Relations, Office for Sports etc.
Individual institutes have a joined faculty and also a student representation like in Natural Sciences Faculty Representation of Natural Sciences (FV NAWI). Those FVs guidance for students and has different offers (book exchanges, different lecture notes, etc. ).
The student representations are the level being very close to the students like the Student Representation of Natural Sciences (StV Doctoral NAWI). We directly help students from all 8 subfield in natural sciences (chemistry, earth sciences, mathematics, molecular biology, biology, pharmacy, physics and pychology) and also take part in the curriculum committee, where we can add our ideas to improve the curriculum (e.g. a curriculum in english would be needed).
More Information you can find in our welcome guide or on the website of the ÖH Uni-Graz.
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